Web development
Web development is at the heart of Intrica. Web development services is something we specialise in, building custom applications and websites built in technologies such as PHP and MySQL.
PHP Development
Custom Applications
- Why build a custom application?
- Many CMS and frameworks exist which allow editing of source code.
- Add features and present a unique offering with custom programming from us.
- Resell your application using the wide and flexible licenses available on different frameworks.
- Liase and choose from Javascript, PHP, Perl and more for your application build.
Mobile App Development
- Reasons to use our Mobile App Development?
- Smartphone and tablet use has grown and continues to grow massively.
- We build for Android, iOS and Windows App stores with one code base.
- Turn your mobile app into a website, with all the functionality and option to edit the look.
- Turn your mobile app into a desktop application for Windows, macOS & Linux.
Web development involves building websites and just as important is the maintenance after.
We look to see how we can make your site look great, work fast in all media, desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. It should perform well and incorporate user experience. This should include accessibility, particularly with users who need a screen reader in mind.
Our web developers use a variety of coding languages. The languages we use depends on the types of tasks we are preforming and the platforms on which we are working to build your site.
Web development can be broken down into two main areas; front-end (what the user-facing side looks like) and back-end (the server side).